On Wednesday, 8th July, 2014, we held our annual Youth Trust Grants presentations, when 12 excited grant recipients were presented with their certificates.

Our 2014 Grant recipients are –

Mitchell ANDREWS – Photography
Gracie APPLIN – Education
Zachary BARBER – Education
Tarni CAMERON – Education
Sandy FREEMAN – Sport (Swimming)
Ashleigh HILL – Sport (Karate)
Ellen JONES – Sport (Water Ski)
Ryan LANE – Cultural (Chess)
Ben SHERRATT – Photography
Zac RODGERS – Education

Windsor Park Public School Education Special Needs

Chris Paine interviewed each of the recipients, which was both interesting and lots of fun. The night was enjoyed by the more than 100 people who attended this great function.

The Freeman Family – Past Grant Recipients

Sandy Freemans mum, Carol, spoke about her other children who also received grants in years past. Luke and Abigail, both promising dancers at the time, received a grant in 1998, which allowed them to continue with their dance lessons and eventually travel overseas. Since then they have danced in mnay cities and countries, including a stint at the Mooulin Rouge in Paris. Carol also told us about her daughter, Jennifer, a cerabal palsy sufferer, who also received a grant (in 2007), which enabled her to continue with her swimming lessons. Jennifer has qualified for the Cerabal Palsy World Games in England in 2015. Thanks, Carol, for telling us and everyone about the successes of Luke, Abigail & Jennifer and we hope that Sandy’s grant will help her the way to similar achievements.